
Who is Betty Lou, you wonder?

She was conceived and born during one fleeting moment of perpetual questioning by her oldest son…

The scenario: 

It was a typical day of running errands with her three small children.  Nic, the oldest, was seated in the rear of their minivan.  His mother was driving.  Upon braking at a red light, Nic (always the backseat driver) piped up, “Mom, why are you stopping?”  His mother responded, “The light is red.”  “So what!  Go!” Nic said.  His mother explained, “I can’t go.  The light is red.  Red means stop.” 

Again he said, “So what!  Go!”  And the conversation repeated itself three times.  Until his mother stopped responding.



And an exasperated Betty Lou replied, “Mom already answered you.  I am not ‘Mom’ right now.  I am Betty Lou.”

Giggles galore ensued.  Betty Lou had arrived.

When I have answered all the little boy questions,  kissed all the boo-boo’s, crashed all the trucks, roared all the dinosaurs, made all the pb &j’s, folded all the laundry, I stretch my hands above my head and head here. 


I am Betty Lou and The Gooey Life is my blog.


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